eRSP Customer Support

The eRSP support team is waiting to assist you with any inquiries or issues you might have.

Whether you prefer to make a phone call or submit a support ticket, we are fully prepared to provide you with the help and guidance you need promptly and efficiently.

Call Us

Live phone support is available:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST


Submit a Ticket

Ticket support is available:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST
All tickets submitted after hours will be answered by next business day.

Ticket Severity Guide


Critical issues may include situations where the software is not functioning resulting in significant disruption to operations or posing a risk to patient data security.

Response Time:  Immediate Response


Significant functionality issues that impact essential processes but do not result in a complete outage.

Response Time:  Within 2 business hours


Less critical functionality issues or questions that impact billing efficiency but are not urgent.

Response Time: Within 4 business hours



Minor functionality questions, feature requests, or non-urgent inquiries.

Response Time: Within 1 business day